Hey there, welcome to my portfolio site!

I'm excited to share my work with you. With experience in government, corporate, agency, and freelance work, I've enjoyed working with some fantastic clients on various marketing projects. Whether art direction, design, branding, content creation, communications, strategy, or photography, It's all about storytelling!

I'm a big fan of surfing, music, and playing my drums and guitar. My faithful companion is my 125-pound Bernese Mountain Dog, Giuseppe, who is always by my side. I'm also a skilled barista, so I'd love to make you a delicious espresso if you're ever in the neighborhood. And if you like Italian food, I might even be persuaded to make my famous eggplant parmesan!

As a storyteller at heart, I daydream about faraway places and imagine all the exciting people I could meet there. Travel is one of my greatest passions, and I love sharing my stories and experiences with others. So, feel free to reach out and say hello—I'd love to hear from you!

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